Saturday 21 July 2012


 Kiulu in the district of Tuaran got it name from a small river called 'Kiulu'. In the old days , travelers from up river usually stop at this river to have their lunch before continuing their journey. Firstly because the small river provided them with drinking water and secondly , growing on both sides of the riverbanks is a kind of bamboo locally known as 'Tulu'. The same bamboo is used to make drinking glasses called 'Suki'. There were no name for the rive that have 'Tulu' or 'Ki tulu' and later it was just plain 'Kiulu'.
Where: Kiulu River, Tamparuli (Moyog River, kampong Babagon Penampang)
When: July.
Vediography  & Editing: Firminus.
Script/dialogue: Easter, Nuraidah.
Prop: Beatrice, Shounna, Nor Arinah.
TRAVELERS: Beatrice,  Nuraidah,  Nor Arinah, and  Shounna.
VILLAGES: Firminus(father) and Easter(daugther)
Narrator: Long time ago, four students who are travel to the village, they are walking along the forest to  find a place to rest. On the journey, they found an endless river. They fell tired, so they decided to stop at the river side to have their lunch before continuing their journey.

Travelers 1: I’m tired already, why don’t we take a rest at the sides of the river?
Travelers 2: sure, we can have our lunch there.
Travelers 3: but we have a problem here, we didn’t bring water either glasses for drinks, its so hot and I’m fell so thirsty.
Travelers 2: let just rest there and eat while we think how to get drinks.

Narrator: So students eat their lunch and have a rest. Suddenly, one of the student suggest them to drinks the water from the river and take some to provided them with drinking water but they don’t have glasses to fill with the river water or even cutter to chop down the bamboo.

Villagers (father): what are all doing here?
Travelers 4: we are thirsty uncle; we want to drink the water from the river. But we don’t have any glasses or bottle to fill it.
Villagers (father): oo… I see… there’s a bamboo at the sides of the riverbanks. You can chop it to make a glass. Do you have any cutter?
Travelers 3: no uncle, we don’t have it. Do you have it?
Villagers (father): yes, I got it. Easter, take the cutter please.
Villagers (daughter): here you are father.

Narrator: Luckily, at the sides of the riverbanks is a kind of bamboo locally known as “Tulu”. So they chop down the bamboo then fill it with water. The same bamboo also used to make drinking glasses known as “Suki”. There were no name for the river that has “Tulu” or “Ki tulu” and later it was just plain “Kiulu”.

Villagers (father): any, way what you girls looking for here actually?
Travelers 1: actually, we are from Jesselton City Student. We are coming here because we was ordered to do a research about the unnamed river in this village.
Travelers 2: yes, we are doing this to complete our final project. We hoping that you can spend your time to help us for this research because we really don’t know anything about this place
Villagers (father): sure, I do. Come on, let’s go to my house. You all may take a rest there then. I have some information that maybe could help.

Narrator: The old man brings all the travelers to his home. He promises that he can give some information to help the student to complete their assignment.

Villagers (father): daughter.., please serve them a coffee.
Villagers (daughter): alright father.
Travelers 1: uncle, can we know how the river named and what are the rivers named now?
Villagers (daughter): here you are. Serve yourself.
Villagers (father): actually…
Travelers 1: that was an interesting story, uncle.
Travelers 4: yeah, it really attracted me. I never heard this kind of story before. Even own village, I don’t know how it got its name.
Travelers 3: so, uncle is that the story how Kiulu got its name?
Villagers (father): exactly children.

Narrator: Finally, the big question mark that going around the student was answered and solved. They feel very happy because they have done their assignment very good. In addition, they also got a new experience that other student could ever did.


Lie detector
A new form of lie detector that works by voice analysis and which can be used without a subject’s knowledge has been introduced in Britain. The Dektor psychological stress analyser is used by private industry for pre-employment screening, investigating thefts, and even periodic staff checks. In the US, the device is used for pre-employment interviews, and for monthly checks with branch managers, asking questions; which at least prevents a manager from setting his own pace to investigate possibly suspicious behavior. Finally, US insurance investigators are now using the PSE. They need not carry it with them - only tape record the interview, usually with the permission of the unsuspecting claimant. But it can also be used to probe a whole range of personal issues totally unrelated to job - union and political affiliations, for example. And, of course, the PSE can be used without the subject even knowing; its inventors analyzed the televised Watergate hearings and told the press who they thought was lying.


Tom Hanks as Chuck Noland is a Fed-Ex manager who for his accuracy and time is everything for him. He has a girlfriend, Kelly, with whom he felt great love and family she is difficult to see. When working to bother him on Christmas Eve, Chuck made ​​a quick gift exchange in the car and said goodbye to Kelly. He had to follow to make delivery to other countries. while on the way, Chuck and the crew of the plane caught in a terrible storm and crash into the Pacific. Chuck survived and were stranded on the island that no one was left on the island. By leveraging several Fed-Ex package he has been using it for survival. With a limited number of things, he adjusts himself on the island during the 1500 night. When Chuck finally sees the opportunity, he shall make a raft for ocean and fortunately he mngharungi a ship through his raft. Upon receipt of bittersweet welcome-back, Chuck finds Kelly has married another man and had a son. Earlier the objective of life is the time and work. but after four years he was stranded on the island, did he know that in this life we have many paths for us through and face all hard.


My childhood memories that I can't forget is when I was six years old my parents had a birthday party for me and my siblings simultaneously. At the time, I am very happy because I could jointly celebrate my birthday with my brother and sister. My mother has provided much food for the birthday party. And for the cake was, my mother and my father has set up four cakes for us four siblings. Although my cake not as big as my eldest brother cake, but I don't care because what matters to me is that I can get together with family celebrating my birthday. On the night of the birthday party, the rain suddenly came down with very heavy. Even though only a few people come, we still continue the ceremony. Only those who live nearby will be able to attend the birthday party. All sorts of things we do like to take pictures for memories, eat cake, and others. The birthday party lasted until midnight, after the end of the birthday party, my family and I was tired and we slept after the update. That night I felt very happy and sleeping soundly. For me, I just want to have fun with my family and my friends on my birthday.


The most common mistake and I always do when I write in the essay is difficult to find the correct use of grammar and usage of terms and language that is often repeated. This difficulty becomes apparent when I write essays. Among the types of problems I had when writing my assignments, I often forget the meaning of the word in English. This makes me slow and this will cause me little time to complete tasks assigned to me. Way to solve my problem I was trying to understand and remember the purpose of this english word and start training regularly to familiarize myself with the word english. In addition, I also use english films to make me easy to understand the use of the word that I use in my essay later.


Pollution is one of the most common problems faced at present. This happens when the human or animal waste left without cleaning or removing the proper place. Examples of waste that can pollute the toxic waste, oil processing plants, rubbish and so on. problems or issues such as this will harm us in any population on earth will get sick or cause pollution to the environment. If the problem persists and no party wants to solve, and responsible, it will cause more pollution will occur as pollution on plants, wildlife, and others. Therefore, all parties should play their role and work together to overcome this pollution and protect the earth is responsible for freeing us from any contamination


In writing process there three stage that we must following. It is helps us to  make you essay or paragraph easy to read and  more organize and easy to read and understand. Firstly you must had topic sentences as introduction to you story to start your essay. Must have supporting details at less three or four point to support your story and the last is you must concluding sentences to end of you story as you conclusion, this is how to make paragraph using the stages of writing process.  

Topic sentence
My favourite food is my mother's cooking

Supporting sentence
- Easy to find
- Very tasty
- Cheap

Concluding sentence
My mother's cooking is very tasty and that is my favourite food.

After your finish make this three stage, you must completed your paragraph and your paragraph will easy to read by your lecturer or your friend