Saturday 21 July 2012


My childhood memories that I can't forget is when I was six years old my parents had a birthday party for me and my siblings simultaneously. At the time, I am very happy because I could jointly celebrate my birthday with my brother and sister. My mother has provided much food for the birthday party. And for the cake was, my mother and my father has set up four cakes for us four siblings. Although my cake not as big as my eldest brother cake, but I don't care because what matters to me is that I can get together with family celebrating my birthday. On the night of the birthday party, the rain suddenly came down with very heavy. Even though only a few people come, we still continue the ceremony. Only those who live nearby will be able to attend the birthday party. All sorts of things we do like to take pictures for memories, eat cake, and others. The birthday party lasted until midnight, after the end of the birthday party, my family and I was tired and we slept after the update. That night I felt very happy and sleeping soundly. For me, I just want to have fun with my family and my friends on my birthday.

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