Saturday 21 July 2012


 Kiulu in the district of Tuaran got it name from a small river called 'Kiulu'. In the old days , travelers from up river usually stop at this river to have their lunch before continuing their journey. Firstly because the small river provided them with drinking water and secondly , growing on both sides of the riverbanks is a kind of bamboo locally known as 'Tulu'. The same bamboo is used to make drinking glasses called 'Suki'. There were no name for the rive that have 'Tulu' or 'Ki tulu' and later it was just plain 'Kiulu'.
Where: Kiulu River, Tamparuli (Moyog River, kampong Babagon Penampang)
When: July.
Vediography  & Editing: Firminus.
Script/dialogue: Easter, Nuraidah.
Prop: Beatrice, Shounna, Nor Arinah.
TRAVELERS: Beatrice,  Nuraidah,  Nor Arinah, and  Shounna.
VILLAGES: Firminus(father) and Easter(daugther)
Narrator: Long time ago, four students who are travel to the village, they are walking along the forest to  find a place to rest. On the journey, they found an endless river. They fell tired, so they decided to stop at the river side to have their lunch before continuing their journey.

Travelers 1: I’m tired already, why don’t we take a rest at the sides of the river?
Travelers 2: sure, we can have our lunch there.
Travelers 3: but we have a problem here, we didn’t bring water either glasses for drinks, its so hot and I’m fell so thirsty.
Travelers 2: let just rest there and eat while we think how to get drinks.

Narrator: So students eat their lunch and have a rest. Suddenly, one of the student suggest them to drinks the water from the river and take some to provided them with drinking water but they don’t have glasses to fill with the river water or even cutter to chop down the bamboo.

Villagers (father): what are all doing here?
Travelers 4: we are thirsty uncle; we want to drink the water from the river. But we don’t have any glasses or bottle to fill it.
Villagers (father): oo… I see… there’s a bamboo at the sides of the riverbanks. You can chop it to make a glass. Do you have any cutter?
Travelers 3: no uncle, we don’t have it. Do you have it?
Villagers (father): yes, I got it. Easter, take the cutter please.
Villagers (daughter): here you are father.

Narrator: Luckily, at the sides of the riverbanks is a kind of bamboo locally known as “Tulu”. So they chop down the bamboo then fill it with water. The same bamboo also used to make drinking glasses known as “Suki”. There were no name for the river that has “Tulu” or “Ki tulu” and later it was just plain “Kiulu”.

Villagers (father): any, way what you girls looking for here actually?
Travelers 1: actually, we are from Jesselton City Student. We are coming here because we was ordered to do a research about the unnamed river in this village.
Travelers 2: yes, we are doing this to complete our final project. We hoping that you can spend your time to help us for this research because we really don’t know anything about this place
Villagers (father): sure, I do. Come on, let’s go to my house. You all may take a rest there then. I have some information that maybe could help.

Narrator: The old man brings all the travelers to his home. He promises that he can give some information to help the student to complete their assignment.

Villagers (father): daughter.., please serve them a coffee.
Villagers (daughter): alright father.
Travelers 1: uncle, can we know how the river named and what are the rivers named now?
Villagers (daughter): here you are. Serve yourself.
Villagers (father): actually…
Travelers 1: that was an interesting story, uncle.
Travelers 4: yeah, it really attracted me. I never heard this kind of story before. Even own village, I don’t know how it got its name.
Travelers 3: so, uncle is that the story how Kiulu got its name?
Villagers (father): exactly children.

Narrator: Finally, the big question mark that going around the student was answered and solved. They feel very happy because they have done their assignment very good. In addition, they also got a new experience that other student could ever did.

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