Saturday 12 May 2012

TASK 10 – BLOG: You are about to complete your mission in writing journals in blog. Do you learn anything while doing these tasks? Explain your difficulties in completing these tasks and include your example.

At the time to complete the work this blog, many of which I have learned and the knowledge that I can know. Also in time, I have learned to work hard to complete my blog. Although difficult, but it was worth it because I can learn in more detail later, the active and passive voice, vocabulary, and pronounstation. I also would like to thank my friends for helping me to understand the questions that I can complete my task easier. During the same period, I can understand some of the lessons in the story that I watch during the class. And after that I could finish my blog with a simple job because I already know a bit about the film. Moreover, when preparing this blog I can improve my speaking skills and also help me to continue to work for my English level again. 

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